Sunday, January 21, 2018

We're closing in on official Sunday night bedtime and I'm going through folders and making sure everybody's got papers signed and menu choices circled so that Monday morning doesn't hit me like a bus. While the girls head to bed early both with belly aches (which means we're just waiting for f*cking vomit). Liam grunts and stomps around his room protesting bedtime occasionally shouting,"my whole family's stupid!", or some other nonsense. I roll my eyes, shake my head and think "what if I sent my kid's teachers evening reports?" Communication is key with school (particularly Liam's), and most teachers will easily tell you the random (possibly "Dick moves") that your kid made throughout the day. So I just wondered if I could send them a report from my end. Like: Dear Mrs. SOandSO, last night Liam got pissed at bedtime and flipped me off so, if you can try to address this behavior on your end, that'd be great!😜 .............................. ............... This 20 min pause was brought to you by the inevitable vomit....fuck. Good night friends!

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