Saturday, March 29, 2014

Never a good time

So I wake up in a great mood on a Saturday morning!...husband does not. There is a day long silent treatment about to happen between the adults, but the kids???? Nope not today. Parents are feeling on edge and vulnerable, children are their normal rambunctious selves. So you try to stay calm, focus on the kids and it's going well until the first daily tantrum hits. Mom has given the official "NO" to playing video games and the world as we know it, is over. There is screaming, there is hitting walls, the constant echo of "I don't like you!" All because I said the big "N" word. Once one is in a loud timeout, the little one starts up. "Can I play on the kindle?" "No Em, not right now." And there I go using the "N" word again. Suddenly my sweet baby starts chimmimng, "I don't love you, I don't love you..." Oye Vae! As the couples silent treatment continues the parenting manages to remain in tact. I take a little mom time out to write this little blog and my husband tries to calm the beasts. There is never a good time for a tantrum, and when you have a kid with behavioral/emotional issues, there is never a good time to have issues of your own. Ugh! Ok, mom time out is over, back to my crazy saturday! Double ugh!

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